Troubleshooting Guide: Setting Up React Native for Android Development

Troubleshooting Guide: Setting Up React Native for Android Development


1 min read

Are you facing difficulties setting up your first React Native app for Android development? One common stumbling block is the absence of a crucial file in the android package: This file is essential for specifying the path to your Android SDK, without which your development environment may encounter errors.

Here's a step-by-step guide to resolve this issue and get your React Native app up and running smoothly on Android:

1. Locate the android Directory

Navigate to the root directory of your React Native project. Inside, you'll find an android directory. This directory contains configuration files specific to the Android platform.

2. Create File

Within the android directory, create a new file named This file will contain a single line specifying the path to your Android SDK.

3. Specify SDK Path

Open the file in a text editor and add the following line:


4. Save and Close the File

Save the changes to the file and close the text editor.

5. Build Your React Native App

With the file properly configured, you're now ready to build and run your React Native app

npx react-native run-android